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Research and Development opportunities for Restaurants and Other Hospitality Sectors

Restaurants and hospitality businesses often overlook the opportunity to claim research and development (R&D) tax credits. Despite ongoing innovation in the form of new processes, services, and recipes, many are unaware of Research and Development tax relief and the activities that could qualify them.

For establishments like restaurants, bars and hotels, investments in delivering better service and advancing methods may be eligible for such credits.  This encompasses activities such as creating gluten-free recipes and developing new technology for hotel guests.

Qualifying expenditure includes materials, ingredients, and employee wages related to Research and Development efforts, making expert advice essential in this often disregarded area.

Examples of eligible activities include


    • The development of vegan and gluten-free alternatives,

    • Recipe experimentation – including different cooking or food preparation methods

    • Innovative customer booking apps,

    • New eco-friendly hotel laundry techniques.

For example, a restaurant successfully improved a signature dish with reduced sugar content after the head chef spent time experimenting with alternative ingredients and preparation methods.

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