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Virtual Finance Director

An in-house finance director can be a big, expensive step for a business. Our part-time virtual service offers a cost-effective alternative for even the smallest of businesses.

As your business grows keeping a grasp of costs, profit margins and cashflow can become a challenge. We can look after this, allowing you to focus on what you’re best at – and why you went into business in the first place!

We provide everything an entrepreneur needs to grow a successful business. Our virtual finance director service will help you…

  • Know which products or services sell best and which have the largest profit margins
  • Identify the customers that cost more money than they generate
  • Realise how much cash will be in bank at the end of every month, quarter or year
  • Find the best software to help run your business more profitably and improve customer experience
  • Have your own finance specialist – for those Dragon’s Den / bank manager / raising finance situations
  • Improve processes – how much time is lost rekeying data?
  • Reduce costs and overheads

You will have your own finance specialist on hand as an addition to and extension of your financial team. Our years of expertise means we can also attend board meetings, mentor, supervise or recruit for your in-house financial team and act as your general financial sounding board.