How to Increase Profits by 5%?

Profit margin can be increased by at least 5% with the assistance of a Virtual CFO – here is an example of how we’ve helped a past client, not solely consultancy but hands on delivery.

Case Study

At £5 per £100 5% does not sound much however a £3 million saving per £60 million of sales and this starts looking worthwhile!  Even better, whilst some of the improvements listed below helped me achieve this increase, in businesses where these have been completely overlooked the savings could be much more significant!

Gross profit margin is the profit percentage of sales less direct costs of manufacture, for example materials and the wages of the production team.  Some organisations, where it can be attributed directly to production or distribution also include the manufacturing element of utilities and motor vehicle costs.

I achieved this success whilst working as an international virtual CFO for fine food distributor Classic Fine Foods then trading in a dozen Asian countries.  The Group sales at the time was £60m and my annual savings amounted to £3m.

As a distributor to a crowded market often with exclusive selling agreements for many of the products there was little manoeuvrability on sales price so any improvements had to be achieved from cost, process efficiency or sales volume.      

Savings achieved  

  • Using a report written from the accounting system – profitability analysis of every transaction by both product and customer was produced. This identified poorly performing products and customer buying patterns plus over reliance to either.  Products not achieving a desired gross profit margin and not deemed to be loss leaders were discontinued.    From a monthly customer buying analysis it was possible to pick up patterns and trends. The variations were passed to the sales team to discuss with the customer resulting in both additional sales and warnings of potential quality issues.
  • Inventory management – through the introduction of real time stock reports it was possible to both identify slow moving product lines and to track product expiry dates (critical for perishable items). Both of these were previously being managed through manual processes.  The result was a reduced amount of product requiring promotional discount pricing as a result of short storage life and the phasing out of slow moving product lines – so freeing both working capital and storage space for faster stock turnover item lines.
  • Stock write offs were analysed and product quality issues established either generally or customer specific, through addressing the root issue these were significantly reduced.
  • Prior to real-time automated stock reporting some information was being prepared manually, duplicating data entry. This employee time saving was estimated to be approximately two days a week per business location.

 Other factors which will affect a sales gross margin to be aware of, but not applicable to my case study above are –

  • Product theft – beware of excessive product write off or stock count differences between physical and computer system amounts.
  • Excessive product wastage in a production process – this could indicate poor product quantity, inefficient production process or worst case inaccurate product costing..
  • Are price changes for materials or substitutions being regularly updated in costings schedules then reflected in the customer selling price lists.
  • Minimum sales order value – regardless of its value its highly likely the cost of order processing and delivery (if a van drop-off service is provided) will cost the same amount.
  • Excessive customer discounting. Businesses offer sales discounts in the hope their customers will buy more – so boosting the part of the gross profit margin foregone.  Often this does not happen. This is best explained with an example – If a product costs £70 and the selling price is £100 the gross profit will be £30 (or 30%).  If the selling price is reduced by 10% to £90 the gross profit reduces to £20 (or 22%) so the business now has to sell 50% more to achieve the same profit margin position. 

          In reality sales discounts are most likely to be 20-25% – i.e. goods almost sold at cost!

          However work this in reverse in conjunction with a marketing campaign about product quality and sales prices could be              increased by 10% to  £110 so producing a 33% increase in gross profit margin for just a 10% increase in selling price!

  • Warranty claims – either the labour cost of a repair or a product replacement will be a cost without any additional income – unless there are guarantees which can be recharged to the source supplier.

In conclusion the factors which have a direct effect to an expected gross profit margin are –

  • Misunderstood product pricing or the production costs to manufacture
  • Customer discounting
  • Supplier price increases
  • Warranties and returns
  • Wastage (or scrap)
  • Excessive stock

How do you maximise the value of your business? 8 suggestions

Well lets re-phase this – what are the key factors potential buyers will be looking at when acquiring your business – each of which adding a premium to the asking price.   Achieving these is no overnight fix and only come from focus and planning, however will offer your business resilience ready for whenever you plan to sell it.

Value Driver 1 – A Predictable and Consistent Cash Flow

Sales turnover and a positive cash flow will be one of the first business areas a buyer looks at.  Established growth patterns carry a premium which will be higher depending on the level of recurring sales.  This demonstrates a level of stability and a lower risk of being lost with a transfer of ownership.  Examples of recurring sales are maintenance contracts, subscriptions or service agreements/warranties.  Buyers are willing to pay the highest amount when they feel a positive cash flow is predictable and repeatable.

Value Driver 2 – Broadness of the Customer and Product sales base

Aim at ensuring no single customer or product makes up more than 10% of total sales.  This helps to protect the business from a loss of a significant customer or product and the cash impact this will cause.  Ideally products should be sold to multiple market sectors too.

Value Driver 3 – Reliable Financial Information

Goes without saying reliable financial records are critical for ongoing business management which in the company sale process can be used by the buyer to carry out due diligence to have proof of the figures.  Any level of doubt will have a negative impact to the purchase price.

Value Driver 4 – Quality of the Employees

Employees should be a business’ greatest asset.  Developing a low employee turnover ensures experience and depth of knowledge together with less time spent with recruitment (and its associated costs) and newbee training.  An in-place team will provide continuity and assist with business growth under any new ownership and as such are a desirable asset.

Value Driver 5 – Potential future Growth

At least annually a business should prepare a sales forecast and business plan for the coming year on which actual performance should be assessed.   The sales forecast should be derived from a growth plan which identifies realistic opportunities and profit.  Such a plan will be of significant value to a buyer which might identify areas they had not considered.  Areas to consider in a growth plan

  • If the business in a growth industry are there additional markets to pursue
  • What existing products could be sold to existing customers
  • Which products make the best profit margins – how can their sales be increased or margins replicated in other product lines?
  • Are there technology licencing or product franchising opportunities  

Value Driver 6 – Operating Systems and Procedures

Documented standard business procedures and systems help ensure product quality and aid employee learning in how the product is delivered.  This enables continuity under any new ownership.  The following are examples of business systems which enhance value –

  • Employee recruitment, training and retention
  • Product development and improvement
  • Product quality control
  • Business or product certification (for example ISO 9001/14001 or 18001)
  • Employee manual
  • Customer, supplier and employee communication

Value Driver 7 – Facility and Equipment Condition

Well maintained, tidy and modern facilities & equipment are not only likely provide the lower overhead running costs but also to realise a higher business sale value.  Potential buyers will be put off by poorly maintained equipment and facilities perceiving other aspects of the business may be similarly disorganised.  Buyers will also be looking for a modest amount of space capacity to accommodate some sales growth. 

Value Driver 8 – Barriers to Entry

Businesses should look at how they can protect themselves from competitors to strengthen its strategic position – their effectiveness of this adds a premium to a business sales price such as –

  • Aside trademarks, patients or hard to get licences
  • Trade secrets
  • Developed processes and propriety know-how
  • Hard to get contracts (for example government)
  • Goodwill – brand name, customer awareness or a good reputation.